Canada has one of the worst fire loss records in the industrialized world.




Overview of NFPA 24 -Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances

09 July 2024
This seminar will provide attendees with information on how to properly conduct the Acceptance Testing / Commissioning of Fire Sprinkler Systems, Standpipe Systems and Fire Pumps. Fire sprinklers, standpipes and fire pumps are installed in stages, and in some jurisdictions across Canada inspections are required during the construction of the building. The standards provide guidance and details on what tests need to be required and documented to ensure the installation has been installed according to the appropriate NFPA standards. This seminar will review the proper Acceptance Tests and Commissioning requirements that must take place before the systems are approved and placed into proper operation. It will also point out and show examples of proper testing procedures and test reports. Read More

Overview of Proper Acceptance Testing / Commissioning of Sprinkler Systems/Standpipes/Fire Pumps

30 July 2024
This seminar will provide attendees with information on how to properly conduct the Acceptance Testing / Commissioning of Fire Sprinkler Systems, Standpipe Systems and Fire Pumps. Fire sprinklers, standpipes and fire pumps are installed in stages, and in some jurisdictions across Canada inspections are required during the construction of the building. The standards provide guidance and details on what tests need to be required and documented to ensure the installation has been installed according to the appropriate NFPA standards. This seminar will review the proper Acceptance Tests and Commissioning requirements that must take place before the systems are approved and placed into proper operation. It will also point out and show examples of proper testing procedures and test reports. Read More

2024 CASA Ontario Regional Group Charity Golf Tournament

25 September 2024
To Benefit: The Hospital for Sick Kid's and Camp Bucko Charity.

Update and Best Practices on AFFF Foam

08 October 2024
This seminar will provide attendees with information and recommended best practices on legacy AFFF foam systems. AFFF foam systems have been utilized for ignitable liquid firefighting for the past 40+ years. While an excellent extinguishing agent, the fluorinated compounds in AFFF have come under scrutiny in the past several years, with restrictions or outright bans on its use in many USA States. This seminar will review best practices on how to inspect, test and maintain existing AFFF systems? and what recommendations or best practices can be implemented to replace to a Fluorine-free foam system. Read More

CASA 2024 Ontario Fire Sprinkler Symposium

29 October 2024
CASA’s Fire Sprinkler Symposium is an opportunity for professionals in Ontario to attend valuable fire sprinkler presentations from some of the most respected professionals in the industry. Fire pumps, Sprinkler draws, Lithium-ion Battery Fires and High density homes . Read More

Sprinkler System Plan Review

05 November 2024
Examining fire sprinkler shop drawings, cut sheets and hydraulic calculations is a primary duty of the authority having jurisdiction. This course will provide a method of reviewing plans and other fire sprinkler documents that is efficient and thorough. Attendees will learn what documents to accept to start a review, what steps to take through the fire sprinkler design and systems review, and how to have confidence while reviewing hydraulic calculations. This course applies current codes and standards to fire sprinkler systems from the initial site plan review, through the construction documents, to the as-built drawings. Significant time on how to effectively communicate deficiencies to the design professional. Students will receive a handout that provides detailed checklists with expert commentary that is useful to the fire sprinkler plan reviewer for years to come. Attendees must bring a copy of NFPA 13 to class.Read More

Pumps for Fire Protection Seminar -Overview of NFPA 20

19 November 2024
Explore general fire pump design requirements in NFPA 20: The Standard for the installation of Stationary pumps for Fire Protection. This program will include a detailed walkthrough of fire pump sizing, design and layout, high rise requirements including defining high rise and a very tall buildings. We will also explore Pumps for Multiple Water Supplies. Explore the challenges that could be posed when designing a fire pump system with two different water supplies. This course will review the options to overcome these challenges in compliance with NFPA standards.Read More

Standpipe Systems for Fire Protection -Overview of NFPA 14

10 December 2024
This program provides the participant with the requirements for design, layout, installation, and acceptance testing of standpipe systems using NFPA 14. Through discussion and activities, the seminar will address topics such as system pressures, the challenges of tall buildings, requirements for horizontal standpipes and the acceptance requirements for standpipe systems. Read More

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